Wednesday, March 25, 2020

God is Our Refuge

I invite you to read Psalm 46 and consider what it means today that God is our REFUGE.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1 NASB)

We all need safety. We long to feel safe in the depths of our being and we look for it in so many places, but true safety is found only in God. HE is our refuge. He is a mighty fortress that stands secure. Where are you looking for security today?

We may think if only our circumstances changed, we would feel safe. But safety outside of God won't last. Only God is strong enough to keep us secure. And not only is God our refuge, but He invites us in. He desires that we would come and find safety and Him. What hinders you from resting in the security of God's refuge today?

Remember you have an enemy that does not want you to rest in God. Satan would fill you with fear and tempt you to doubt that God will be good enough, strong enough and gracious enough to give you the safety you long for. But the truth is, God is enough. Come to Him seeking shelter for your weary heart and He will receive you. Remember the words of Jesus: "The one who comes to me I will certainly not cast out" (John 6:37 NASB). The security of God is like a stronghold, but it is also a person. Refuge is found in the arms of Christ.

In the chaos of the storm with wind and waves raging, Jesus stands before you with outstretched arms, calling you to come and find refuge in Him. He sees you in your struggle and your fears with compassion in His eyes. All around you is danger, but standing in front of you is true safety. The search for security is over, it's Jesus. It was always, only Jesus. Today come to Him and don't look back. As you look to Jesus by faith you are accepted, you are loved, and you are safe.

God wants you to come to Him as your only refuge today. Your trials may be hard, but they can teach you the all-important truth that God is the only truly safe and secure place to rest your soul. He is strong enough, good enough and gracious enough to be your refuge. So come to Him as your refuge! Come to Him humbly, come to Him needy, come to Him today. Don't miss the opportunity to embrace humility and experience the profound need we all have for safety in the presence of God.

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