Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Antidote for Worry

I invite you to read the words of Jesus from Matthew 6:25-34 and consider His answer to our worries.

"So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:31-33 NIV)

If anyone ever had a reason to worry, it would be someone without the basic necessities of food, drink and clothing. But even to such a person Jesus says: "Do not worry". Worry takes our eyes off of God and focuses our attention instead upon our fears and problems. Worry suppresses and hinders faith in God. Faith means looking to God and trusting Him with our deepest and most critical needs. God wants us to be so confident in His character, so assured of His goodness and love, that when our pantry is empty, we will not worry. When our bank account is depleted, we will not fear. And when sickness and disease cripple our society and death comes knocking on our door, even then we will find comfort in the confidence that our God will care for us.

What are you worried about today? What fears are interfering with your faith? Is your anxious heart asking: "Will I make it? Will I be safe? Will I have what I need?" Through these verses Jesus says to us: "Look at the birds of the air and how I care for them. You are more precious and valuable to me. I will care for you, I will not abandon you. Do not worry about your needs but entrust those to Me. Just concern yourself with following Me and doing God's will today."

Jesus does not want us to worry, but He does not want us to be idle either. While the world around us frantically strives to take care of themselves, Jesus calls us to a higher occupation. Rather than concerning ourselves with our needs, we are to concern ourselves with pursing God's kingdom. We are to familiarize ourselves with God's priorities and give ourselves completely to His will. In God's kingdom, our neighbor comes first. The vulnerable and the oppressed come first. The spiritual health of our family and friends comes first. In God's kingdom, everyone matters, everyone is worth caring for and fighting for. In God's kingdom, the standard of love is set by Christ Himself, who did not regard His own needs but regarded our needs as more important. So much so that He laid down His life in love for us to meet our deepest and most critical need: forgiveness and reconciliation with God (Philippians 2:3-7).

Today Jesus wants all of your trust and all of your faith. The more threatening and impossible your circumstances, the more glory and praise we will give to God when we trust Him! When we are confident in His provision, we are empowered by His grace to take our eyes off of our own needs and focus instead on meeting the needs of others. How can you seek first God's kingdom and God's priorities today?

God I Look To You - Austin Stone Worship

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